
Merchant websites in Tunisia

About 100 Tunisian certified web merchants classified into categories as follows:
  1. Administration on line
  2. Travel agencies
  3. Advertisements
  4. Craft industry
  5. Insurance
  6. Airline company
  7. Entertainment
  8. Energy - Water
  9. Training and seminars
  10. Internet access supplier
  11. Gastronomy
  12. Hotel trade
  13. Data processing
  14. Car rental
  15. Health - Medicine
  16. Others Services
  17. Telephony
  18. Express train Transport
  19. Public transport
  20. Auction sale
  21. Sale of goods
Most of the websites are either French or Arabic just few of them propose English version.
The links below lead to the English websites in the related category.
In a future post I'll present a benchmark of the Tunisian web, the only issue here is the language: most of the websites in Tunisia are French, so you have either to translate or just watch the pictures :)

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